Messy Desk workbooks and tutorials help you set priorities by choosing a level of action. You can choose based on how much time you have, how comfortable you are with mess, and how well you respond to routine and building habits.
Perfection (P): Many messy desk types are stopped in their tracks because they can’t do things as perfectly as they want to--if that is you, aim for a more relaxed level first. P includes items that many naturally tidy people act upon without thinking and tips that other professional organizers and consultants suggest. Perfection usually involves daily habits and sustained interest and effort.
Tidy Enough (TE): This category (originally titled “Tidy Enough for Company”) aims at a level that may be tidier or busier than your natural inclination, but the extra effort is worth it to you for social or other reasons. In space organizing, it is where you feel comfortable inviting people into your home or having meetings in your office. You may have to put a decent amount of sustained time and effort in to reach this level, but it is do-able, and nothing has to be perfect.
Relaxed (R): This is closer to your natural inclination. You do what absolutely has to be done and a bit more, as time and mood allows. We aim to give you ideas that help you stay in this zone and still be comfortable in your space and productive at work.
Just Say NO (N): Choosing to NOT do things is a powerful time management tool. Prioritizing means deciding what things really don’t need to be done in order to allow time and energy for the really important things that you love. Whenever possible, delegate (D) the important things you hate.
Delegate It (D): If something is important, but you don’t really want to do it personally, sometimes you can delegate it to a family member or hire someone to do it for you.