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Marie Jones
6 min read
Setting Priorities: When everything feels important
Is your desk or life messy because everything feels important? Do you spend time whatever takes your fancy, not your highest priority?

Marie Jones
5 min read
How to be Consistent When Consistency is Vital
Consistency sucks, but relationships rely on us to be reliable and predictable. Follow these steps to be consistent when it's important.

Marie Jones
7 min read
I Used the Pomodoro® Timer and Here's What Happened
What's hardest for you? Getting started or focusing on a single task? Cycles of focus and rest can be helpful for both of those barriers.

Marie Jones
5 min read
5 Ways to Get to the Office on Time After a Year+ of Working at Home
The other day, I worked with a client about her upcoming return to the office and she worried about being late. These 5 strategies...

Marie Jones
3 min read
Embracing Messy Imperfection
Are you paralyzed by perfectionism? Messy imperfection supports flexibility and adaptability. Life is a laboratory; we learn from mistakes

Marie Jones
9 min read
15+ Tools for Your Motivational Toolbox: Tips and Tricks to Overcome Barriers to Action
How do you find the motivation to do what needs to be done? Every human being has times when motivation is difficult. Some of us have a hard

Marie Jones
6 min read
Reframing Deadlines as Finish Lines
What would happen if we started thinking of deadlines differently? You don't really want to die when you finish that project, do you?

Marie Jones
10 min read
Delegation: Key Leadership Skill
I recently heard from a friend--a brilliant, highly skilled, and charismatic leader--who said that she "stinks at delegating."
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