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Marie Jones
5 min read
How to be Consistent When Consistency is Vital
Consistency sucks, but relationships rely on us to be reliable and predictable. Follow these steps to be consistent when it's important.

Marie Jones
4 min read
Delegation as Life Skill (Or, How to Clean House While Sitting on Your A**)
I am on my screened porch, watching the hummingbirds, but my house will be clean by the end of the day. How is this possible? Delegation.

Marie Jones
3 min read
Embracing Messy Imperfection
Are you paralyzed by perfectionism? Messy imperfection supports flexibility and adaptability. Life is a laboratory; we learn from mistakes

Marie Jones
5 min read
Closed Doors & Open Windows: Resilience in the Sound of Music
When I was a child, The Sound of Music was one of my favorite movies. Julie Andrews' spinning in that opening scene of mountains...

Marie Jones
2 min read
WOOP! Make Your Wishes Come True
I just learned about WOOP as another model for goal-setting, and want to quickly share it with you today. I like it for big picture goals,

Marie Jones
6 min read
What Happened Today? Balance Bad & Good
The glass is half-full AND it's half-empty. You come home from work and your partner asks, "How was your day?" The next day, not so much.

Marie Jones
6 min read
The Reflective Spiral of Personal Growth
Reflective practice helps you make better choices and move your life in the direction you want it to go.

Marie Jones
7 min read
Introducing the Messy Desk Journal: No foolish consistency
For years, I sought a perfect system that I can consistently maintain to keep my life in order--in time, housekeeping, and thought...

Marie Jones
4 min read
Be Productive Like a Sloth
I met some sloths last year. Most were asleep, but I was lucky enough to catch one walking veerrrry slooowwwlllyyy on the ground.

Marie Jones
5 min read
Beyond all-or-nothing: A different perspective
I am a star at starting a new routine or habit. I follow my self-imposed rules perfectly for, like, a week.
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